Monday, July 26, 2010

A Gifting Tree Grows in Ashland

The Gifting Tree Wellness Center is part of a "gift-economy," which represents a shift from consumption to contribution, transaction to trust, scarcity to abundance and isolation to community. Our Wellness Center was conceived and created in the spirit of giving, to empower individuals to create optimal health and wellness by providing integrative health care services and education via sustainable partnerships with clients, practitioners, community, and environment.

The Gifting Tree Wellness Center is an opportunity for practitioners and clients alike to engage in sharing our gifts. The practitioner offers their gift, at the request of the client, in a way that supports their healing. The client is then given the opportunity to give a gift to the practitioner, the Gifting Tree and/or to the community, in the direction and proportion their guidance dictates. Through these acts of giving, the client, the practitioner, the clinic and the community all benefit with the flow of mutual generosity.

We invite you to explore, in your own way, the true art of giving and receiving.

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